We are proud to have an active community of over three hundred professors, students, postdoctoral fellows, visiting artists and researchers, local historians, artists, activists, and organizations. 

Anyone wishing to become an affiliated member of COHDS and ALLab must read the Rights and Responsibilities document and fill out the online application form. New applications will first be vetted by the Centre’s Coordinator and Community Facilitator before going to the Co-Directors. The Co-Directors might invite the input of all existing core members in cases where a person is applying to become a core member of COHDS.  

All core and affiliated members must submit a short annual report of their activities by April 15 each year so that these might be integrated into our Annual Report. Members who have not been active in the previous year will cease to be an affiliate but are welcome to re-apply. Affiliates are expected to acknowledge the contribution of COHDS in their work when appropriate. 

Please read the Governance Structure that explains COHDS’ functioning and the affiliates’ role. 


We host many interns and volunteers who participate in the activities of the COHDS while enjoying a rich context of training and practice. The internships are open to anyone, student or not, who wishes to deepen their knowledge, participate in the Centre’s life and share their skills with our team. The duration of the internship and the work schedule are flexible. Internships are unpaid, but can be credited by some university programs. Internship opportunities are frequently displayed in the News section of this website and on our Facebook page. 

Anyone wishing to volunteer or do an internship at the Centre should contact the Coordinator and Community Facilitator (cohdscoordinator@concordia.ca) for further information.